Hola amigos, hehehe. I've been so busy lately. So much to do and catch up at work,,,phewww. Well this weekend (just like other weekend) I went to Bandung (again). I dunno why but i really obsessed with sushi recently, so me and my guy went to some random sushi place at Bandung. The closest one is Sushi Baa. This sushi placed near FO (factory outlet) at Djuanda Dago. The sushi taste so light. Well for those of you who is "sushi virgin" i recomended this place (but not recomended for sushi lovers) hahahhaa...Really had so much fun :)
What we have

Random picture

Apapun makannya minumnya teh botol s*s*o - hahaha
Another random pict

I bought new shoes hehehe. Isn't it goergeous!

both of us

Thank you hehe.
Nggi,apapun makanannya minumnya Coca-Cola dong,
Ih bagus sepatunya,beli dmn nggi?
ahahahhaha..waduuu...sudah mulai ego perusahaan ni mbak Wulan..hihihi..beli di Bandung lan,, di Kings...btw hr ini dirimu sibuk tak? jalan2 yuuu